as Thin as the Membrane of a Cell

Digital Technologies and Changes to Human Perception: our Venture into the Impossible.

         What is impossible?

          Events and inventions in the past century have challenged the concept of impossibility in practically every ambit of human experience, from life expectancy to large-scale warfare, all made possible by technological development. Today, scientific theories such as Quantum Mechanics, Chaos, Systems, and Relativity, present conceptions of the universe that perhaps only our most superstitious ancestors deemed possible. The acceptance of quantum superposition by the scientific community defied the impossibility that a rational man, let alone the elite of rational men, could believe that a cat can be both dead and alive until we observe it, or that a single particle can be in two places at once.[1] Quantum superposition contravenes not one, but the three traditional laws of thought that have commanded scientific and philosophical ventures for over two millennia.[2]

         Thus, in the sense that something may be beyond the bounds of possibility, what is truly inconceivable is for the world to stay the same.

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I am an Immigrant


I am an immigrant. Like many alongside me, I began searching for a place where I could blossom, a place to call home. This search has brought me to and through implausible distances, from Mexico City to Kyoto, from Jerusalem to the mountains of Traslasierra in Argentina, and farther still. Yet, perhaps, the most implausible distances I’ve covered along the years are within myself.

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Butchered Words – Lacan and Bion on Psychosis

Bion and Lacan both agree that psychosis, unlike neurosis, is a rupture in the relation between the subject and reality [1]. The aim of this paper is to explain briefly how each author accounts for this rupture.

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¡!¡! 2016 – AMOR FATI!¡!¡

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Queridos todos y cada uno:

El 2015 llega a su fin y como es mi tradición anual, les mando un mensaje para desearles Felices Principios.

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¡!¡!2016 – AMOR FATI!¡!¡

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Dear all and every one,

2015 comes to an end, and as is my yearly tradition, I drop a note to wish you Merry Beginnings.

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And I have found both freedom and safety in my madness;
the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood,
 for those who understand us enslave something in us.

Kahlil Gibran

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Siempre quise ser parte de una lucha revolucionaria. Cuando era pequeña peleaba por causas magnánimas de la forma más ingenua, que es, siempre y lamentablemente, la menos efectiva. Conforme fui creciendo entendí que es entre el fin del mundo y la infinidad del universo donde nosotros existimos y que no somos ni tan grandes ni tan pequeños.

Hoy pienso que muchos han luchado por mi derecho a ser libre y, ejercitándolo, yo lucho también por la libertad de los demás. Todo otro ejercicio de la libertad es hipócrita, puesto que no necesitaríamos el derecho si no existiera el otro frente a quien somos libres. La hipocresía es pretender que el otro no existe, para así negar que su existencia nos define.

Hoy me han reclutado las fuerzas del amor y voy a ejercitar mi libertad de expresarlo y de vivirlo.

Este es mi acto. Esta es mi lucha. Esto traigo al mundo.


Reason, ruling alone, is a force confining,
and passion, unattended, is a flame that burns
to its own destruction. Therefore, let your soul
exalt your reason to the height of passion!”

Kahlil Gibran

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Questions regarding Aristotle’s concept of imagination have puzzled many scholars throughout history, perhaps because of the little treatment Aristotle gives to the concept in comparison not only to other concepts, but also to the importance he ascribes to it himself.

Not being an Aristotle or Ancient Greece scholar, it would be extremely presumptuous to consider it possible to solve any of these puzzles in this short essay. I can, however, honestly regard myself an enthusiast and, with fair dignity, a competent reader and thinker. As such, I do not intend to write an interpretative essay, but rather, to think in writing; thus, this exercise is an attempt to understand Aristotle’s considerations on the soul and imagination, from within his arguments. Read the rest of this entry »

Wittgenstein: Meaning and Ethics

 In what sense can the introduction to Philosophical Remarks and Wittgenstein’s letter to Moore from October 19331 be considered ethical texts, if at all?

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